Sustainability Projects

who rainwater harvesting invented

A Brief History of Rainwater Harvesting – Fun Facts


When I delve into the subject of rainwater harvesting, I often encounter the perception that this practice is a contemporary ...

rain water catchment nz

Explore Rain Water Catchment NZ: Sustainable and Easy-To-Use Solutions


As I walk through the lush landscapes of New Zealand, I’m often struck by the bounty that nature offers – ...

rainwater catchment size

Your Guide to Choosing the Right Rainwater Catchment Size


As a seasoned homesteader, I understand the significance of harvesting every drop of rain that falls on your property. It’s ...

rainwater harvesting blue mountain

Uncover Rainwater Harvesting Blue Mountain: A Practical Guide


As a resident of Blue Mountain, my journey into the realm of rainwater harvesting began out of a desire to ...

is rainwater harvesting legal in colorado

Is Rainwater Harvesting Legal in Colorado? Get the Facts!


As someone deeply invested in the ethos of sustainability, I’ve often been asked, “Is rainwater harvesting legal in Colorado?” It’s ...

rain water harvesting roof top method

Mastering the Rain Water Harvesting Roof Top Method Easily


As an advocate for sustainable water management, I’ve learned that the simplicity of harvesting rainwater can have profound benefits. Harnessing ...

rainwater harvesting system pros and cons

Unveiling Rainwater Harvesting System Pros and Cons: A Personal Guide


As a homesteader committed to a sustainable lifestyle, I’ve delved deep into the realm of water conservation. In particular, rainwater ...

rainwater collection tiny home

Maximizing Your Tiny Home with Rainwater Collection Solutions


As an advocate for sustainable living and a tiny home dweller myself, I’ve experienced firsthand the transformative impact of rainwater ...

can you harvest rainwater in idaho

Exploring If You Can Harvest Rainwater in Idaho: A Guide


As an Idahoan looking to embrace a more sustainable lifestyle or simply curious about water conservation, you might have asked ...