Write for us

Share Your Wisdom – Become a Contributor to Quakot.com!

At Quakot.com, we celebrate the rich tapestry of backyard livestock care and the innovative spirit of subsistence homesteaders. Our readers cherish the practical, real-world knowledge that comes from hands-in-the-dirt, boots-on-the-ground experience. If you have valuable insights, personal anecdotes, or clever DIY solutions that can benefit our community, we invite you to share your expertise with us!

Why Write for Quakot.com?

  • Reach a Passionate Audience: Connect with a dedicated group of fellow subsistence homesteaders who are eager to learn and improve their self-sufficient lifestyles.
  • Share Your Expertise: Whether you’re an expert in chicken coops, have mastered the art of duck pond filtration, or know the ins and outs of sustainable livestock management, your knowledge is invaluable.
  • Inspire Sustainable Living: Help others by providing innovative ideas for upcycling and recycling, contributing to environmental stewardship and more sustainable homestead practices.
  • Enhance Your Portfolio: Gain exposure as a thought leader in the field of backyard farming and add a prestigious publication credit to your portfolio.

What We’re Looking For:

We seek original, informative content that aligns with our unique angle of Backyard Livestock Upcycling and Recycling Projects. Articles should be well-researched, factually accurate, and reflect the ethos of our homesteading community. Here’s what makes a great contribution:

  • First-hand Experience: Authenticity is key. Share your personal successes (and failures) to provide readers with genuine, tried-and-tested advice.
  • Innovative Projects: Tell us about your creative DIY projects that repurpose livestock waste or other materials into useful items or enhancements for your homestead.
  • Practical Solutions: Offer step-by-step guides, tips, and tricks that our readers can implement to improve their backyard livestock care.
  • Engaging Storytelling: We appreciate a good story. Engage our audience with your tales from the homestead that entertain as much as they inform.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Original Content: Submissions must be original, previously unpublished, and not under consideration by other publications.
  • Article Length: Aim for 800-1500 words, though we prioritize quality and depth over word count.
  • Tone: Friendly, informative, and accessible. We’re a community of equals, sharing our collective wisdom.
  • Formatting: Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to break up the text and make it easier to read.
  • Images: High-quality photos or illustrations to accompany your article are welcome and encouraged.

Ready to contribute to Quakot.com? Send us a brief pitch outlining your article idea, along with a sample of your writing, to [email protected]. Our editorial team will review your submission and get back to you with further instructions.

Let’s grow together. Join our circle of knowledge and help make Quakot.com an even richer resource for our thriving homesteading community!
